To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Term Limits

Term limits for the House and the Senate! Maximum 2 terms! Congressman and the Senators have become too powerful and rich while in office. Too many have there own agendas in mind and are not concern about the American people. If the president is only allowed 2 terms, the same should apply to both houses.

Politicians would actually accomplish what they were elected to do instead of catering towards lobbyist. The House and the Senate are no longer a representation of the american people but that of the rich and powerful. Representing big business and allowing corporate greed to manifest...

Why is this important?

Term limits for the House and the Senate! Maximum 2 terms! Too many have there own agendas in mind and are not concern about the American people. If the president is only allowed 2 terms, the same should apply to both houses. Politicians would actually accomplish what they were elected to do instead of catering towards lobbyist.