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To: State Legislature

Term Limits for all elected officials, Federal and State

With a Term Limits Convention, we can set forth a new standard for those who would like to spend their entire careers in the Congress, and for that matter, the Supreme Court.  If we limited service to two or even three terms for Senators and Representatives, perhaps they would work harder for us than they seem to.  It would also give others a chance to serve us, with perhaps new and fresh ideas.  The Term Limits Convention should also decide that there should be term limits for the Supreme Court.  No person elected or appointed should have that appointment for life.  We need to stop politicians from using “Public Service” as “Self-Service”. Under Article V of the Constitution, state legislatures may create a convention to enact a constitutional amendment to enact term limits. It requires 34 state legislatures to pass a resolution requiring this, and we are asking you to have California do its part. The legislatures of Florida, Alabama, Missouri and West Virginia have already passed legislation for this, and we urge you to do the same.

Why is this important?

I urge you to take this seriously, and truly exercise your right as a United States citizen, and help us restore power to the people, and truly make serving your country an honor and privilege instead of having people serve who are only there to serve themselves.



2024-09-01 19:56:14 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-08-22 18:30:34 -0400

10 signatures reached