To: The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Term limits for all public office

I believe in a two term limit for all branches of legislative govt.
2 terms for all offices, end career politicians.
Politics is policy not prosperity.

Why is this important?

It is ludicrous to impose term limits on the executive level of government and not to impose the same limits upon other elected officials

This is a petition to limit publicly elected officials to two terms in each office at the federal and state level.

Becoming a senator should not be a life-long career for any persons. Rather a honor and duty which one has the possibility to fulfill. Being elected to represent the public is an honor not a career path.

What power will a filibuster have if that official only has 2 terms MAXIMUM to serve in any specifically elected office.

Keep the public sphere public and end career politicians.

This is the USA not ancient Rome. New voices are integral to the success of the democratic/republic process

Perhaps this will be incentive for less greed in this branch, perhaps it will be more. But this is a strong message from the people.

You have limits now.