To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Term Limits for Congress

Fix our Federal Government. Limit our US and State Congressmen to two consecutive terms in office.

Why is this important?

Fix our Federal Government. Limit our US and State Congressmen to two consecutive terms in office.

This would end corruption and cronyism.
Term limits downgrade seniority, favors meritocracy.
Increases competition, encourages new challengers.
Builds a ‘citizen’ Congress, drives out career politicians.
Breaks ties to special interests.
Improves tendency to vote on principle.
Introduces fresh thinking, new ideas, eliminates 'old bulls'.
Reduces power of staff, bureaucracy, lobbies.
It will create a natural reduction in wasteful federal spending.
Encourages lower taxes, smaller government, greater voter participation in elections.

While this will require a constitutional amendment that we should all support.
