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To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Term Limits NOW

Whereas, Congress ratings are at an historic low point; and

Whereas, the American people no longer trust career politicians who run for reelection over and over again; and

Whereas, members of Congress seem to care more about pandering to campaign contributors and special interest groups than representing their constituents; and

Whereas, election rules and government power have been perverted so that it has become almost impossible for the people to vote their elected representatives out of office; and

Whereas, 83% of the American people support term limits;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that I do hereby publicly support a two-term limit on members of The Senate and a three-term limit on members of The House.

I call on my leaders in congress to vote yes on Jim DeMint's Term Limits For ALL Amendment (S.J. Res. 11)

By ratifying this amendment, we can end the tremendous advantage enjoyed by incumbents in Washington, break long-lasting ties to special interests and lobbyists, and transform Congress from the body of career politicians that it has become to a chamber of true citizen legislators.

Why is this important?

Are you sick and tired of the self-serving politicians in Washington?

It is time for American citizens to stand up for the voters and against entrenched and corrupt politicians.

To permanently change Washington, we must change the process that allows career politicians to gain personal power instead of making the hard decisions. We need CITIZEN LEGISLATORS, new leaders continually coming to Congress to ensure every taxpayer dollar is spent wisely, not wasted on Washington special interests. We must end the era of permanent politicians that has led us to a $15 trillion debt and a pending fiscal crisis”

74 percent of Democrats polled favored term limits with 84 percent of Republicans indicating support.

It is a Myth that professional legislators are needed to deal with the complexity of government today; proven wrong by the $15 trillion national debt hole that has been created by the very professional politicians who make this argument.

The actions of our elected Congress over the past several years have been embarrassing. It is obvious they will not change and continually give excuses for not getting the job done.

We can no longer afford career politicians who never make the tough decisions, but defer them to commissions and other non elected bodies.



2020-03-30 18:29:56 -0400

100 signatures reached