To: Jennifer Gray, Superintendent
Terminate Lauderdale County High School Head Football Coach Bob Grisham for Gay Slurs
Terminate Bob Grisham from his position at Lauderdale County High School for his comments slurring homosexual Americans: "I don't believe in queers, I don't like queers. I don't...I don't hate them as a person but what they do is wrong, it's an abomination against God. I don't like being around queers."
We need to combat Alabama's rich history of ignoring, encouraging, and often inciting prejudice or hatred towards minority groups. This speech should never be tolerated within school walls.
We need to combat Alabama's rich history of ignoring, encouraging, and often inciting prejudice or hatred towards minority groups. This speech should never be tolerated within school walls.
Why is this important?
In a nation that is continually working to eradicate bigotry and inequality, comments such as those made by Lauderdale County High School Head Football Coach Bob Grisham in the public classroom about LGBT Americans and the First Lady should not be tolerated. A coach's and instructor's influence is key to the shaping of a young person's world views and character- Grisham's comments do not reflect character that will advance our nation's youth. We must send a message to our public employees that we stopped tolerating this type of bigoted speech 50 years ago.