To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, Sen. Kamala Harris (CA-2), The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Terrorism is Terrorism

Extreme racist groups are Terrorist. We need Homeland Security to acknowledge we have homegrown Terrorist in America in the form of so called militia, KKK, Nazis, White Supremacy groups and organizations. These groups are armed and dangerous to all Americans.

We demand these groups be treated as the dangerous Terrorist they are and not the so called "patriots" demanding their second amendment rights. Especially since we have a standing army, National Guard and Police Department who are here to protect the people. We no longer need vigilantes running through our streets threatening the Citizenry and murdering people.

Why is this important?

My husband and I have been threatened by some member of this group while driving down the public street. More recently, several people have been murdered because they were thought to be Jews. Enough is enough. If our country believes in "Justice for All" we want justice and to be free of Terror from these groups.
