With student debt surpassing $1 trillion, students and their families need politicians like you to look out for them. Thank you!
Why is this important?
With the national student debt average now over $29 thousand -- up 10.5% in a year -- students are in desperate need of a break. Senators like Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Dick Durbin (D-IL), and Jack Reed (D-RI) have been unhappy and dissatisfied with the interest rate hikes from July. They've been working tirelessly to make sure that students and families are high on the agenda for 2014.
Senators Warren (D-MA), Reed (D-RI), and Durbin (D-IL) are proposing some major changes to student loans – among them include “forcing colleges to pay the Education Department if they have high default rates and allowing student debt to be wiped out in bankruptcy” and “calling to revive a dormant grant program for poor students that could give the federal government more influence over state higher education policy.”
Please tell these politicians that they have our support!