To: Javier Gonzales, Honorable Mayor, Patti Bushee, Honorable City Councilor, Signe Lindell, Honorable City Councilor, Joseph Maestas, Honorable City Councilor, Peter Ives, Honorable City Councilor, Carmichael Dominguez, Honorable City Counc...

Thank you for calling for a renewable energy based Replacement Power Plan

Thank you for sponsoring and supporting the resolution stating Santa Fe’s position against PNM’s Replacement Power Plan and claim for unearned assets and calling for an alternative plan based on renewables.

Thank you for giving the public the opportunity to weigh-in on this very critical issue, for listening to our concerns, and for intervening in the PRC case on behalf of the community’s interests.

As your resolution states, “the closure of San Juan Units 2 & 3 presents a critical opportunity to transition away from New Mexico’s investment in fossil fuels and nuclear energy and presents an opportunity to rapidly deploy renewable energy technologies to meet New Mexico’s energy demands.”

I look forward to continuing to work together to create an energy future that reflects the vision and values of our community!


Why is this important?

On Wednesday the Santa Fe City Council unanimously passed a resolution stating Santa Fe’s position against PNM’s Replacement Power Plan and claim for unearned assets and calling for an alternative plan based on renewables. Thank them for their leadership.