To: The New York State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
The 2013-2014 Million Father's March.
March with us on June 15 2014,In Washington DC. To let our voices be heard and to CHANGE The current Child Support Laws from the way that they are Currently Stuctured. The Rebuilding of the American Family Starts Here. No Free man should be a Prisoner to this System.
Why is this important?
This Petition Starts Now, Because on Sunday June 15, 2014. Our Goal is to have One Million Concerned Father's,who will March with us In Washington DC,To have their voices heard In regards to the Unjust, Unfair and down right one sided United States Court System Regarding Child Support Fairness For Father's. This is a Peaceful Movement and will be a peaceful Gathering. It's Time that we take this fight to another level. I truly believe that all Father's want to do their very best for their child or children. And NO Custodial Parent or Court System should be able to control a Free Mans Life. So please tell your Father, your brother, your uncle, your cousin,Tell your Co worker. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Young ,Old, Straight or Gay . If you know someone who is Affected by the Unjust Court System regarding Child support, Please Sign this Petition and come March with US!!!!