To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

The American Caste System = Why We are Occupying Wall Street

Our country's forefathers left Europe due to it's caste system and it's strict laws, where they were jailed for being poor. They have sought to have a country where all people are “created equal” regardless of wealth, color or faith. Those same forefathers would be in shock and filled with disgust to see their descendants are worse off now … than they were then.
Although mainly associated with India, the caste system originated in the dark ages, believed to be from Portugal and migrated with the explorers around the world.
It is considered a major form of discrimination by the UNICEF and reports that at least 250,000 people are effected by it … but that number is far too low. The upper caste within organizations like this do not even have a clue as to the far reaching effect of todays caste system. After all, most of the upper level management are of that upper caste.
This new caste system is subtle and overwhelmingly underestimated. It actually effects billions worldwide. Just in the US alone, according to the US Census of 2006, a full 25 % made below the poverty level that is almost 77,186,384. While 90% of the countries' wealth is controlled by a mere 20% of Americans. There is a huge and obvious gap in these extremes. So, UNICEF get your facts straight! There are about 300 times the published amount just in the US alone.
But we eliminated discrimination in the sixties ... right? Not hardly … only whitewashed it to make it more acceptable. Today, blacks in the upper caste discriminate against the less wealthy of their own color; upper caste Hispanics, discriminate against their own color; and white upper caste just discriminate against everyone that is not their own. Why do civil right organizations not see this?
Many do not believe we have a caste system, but just look at the facts!
Our forefathers wanted to get away from the caste system, by establishing a free educational system free for all, one used by both wealthy and not so wealthy. Yet, if you go that route, you will probably not be accepted in the upper caste college systems. The poorer caste cannot go the upper caste schools except for a few “token” scholarships to the lower caste. The same thing happens with the caste system in India. At least they admit they have a caste system.
The lower caste had better not play on their golf courses unless they are there to caddy.
The poorer caste cannot even go to the same churches that the upper caste do. They feel unwelcome and for the most part they are unwelcome. The upper caste system and many of the lower caste do not even realize what they are doing. The lower caste are just being herded like sheep into their “proper place.”
We looked down on those dark ages of America when we had a slave system, but look at the positive side of it. All of the laws, rules, regulations and guidelines they used were established in the Bible. They were provided a place to live, a full-time job, food, medical help as long as they worked hard for it. The only thing they really lacked was freedom. But do they have it today? Today, they are much worse off, even working very hard, they are often fired for no reason, driven out of their homes, torn from their families, abandoned by the health care establishments. Is that freedom? Only the wealthy have freedom.
Today, we are under a new slave system called capitalism and race does not matter. Even the auctioneer and the slave block are back, but in disguise. These new slaves are auctioned off to abusive employers. Even worse than the previous slave auction, the new slave have to pay part of his hard earned moneys as auctioneers' fees and put himself up on the block … they call these slave auction blocks, “Temp Services” and “Employment Agencies”. This modern slave owners are worse than the 1850's, they are even unwilling to carry the poor slaves health care burden. Back then it just made good financial sense to make sure the slave was healthy enough to work. Instead, the slaves are lied to and promised the moon, but just before they have been there long enough to become employed permanently with any benefits, they are fired for no apparent reason. Then they go back to the auction block. It reminds me of the proverbial horse with a carrot attached to a pole string … intentionally out of reach.
For the most part the American dream does not really exist. It is an illusion created by the upper caste system to make the little people or “sheep” dance the way the want them to dance. It is designed to lure sheep across borders, to get smuggled on ships, and to hide in vehicles crossing the border. The upper caste does not even want borders. They want one world government with open borders so they can get cheap labor without having the expense of relocating to Mexico.
What has happened to the free country our ancestors established? It was taken over by the upper caste. They create illusions of democracy, freedom and the American dream. They gave faceless, greedy, co...

Why is this important?

Help put an end to a common form of discrimination in America ... Class discrimination. All the lower caste, regardless of color, national origin or faith must rise up and join together to stop this insane abuse of our inalienable rights to equal wealth, health, happiness and true freedom. Yes that means rednecks must put down their rebel flag and join hands with their black brothers and sister. And blacks must put their awful past where it belongs, in the past. For, the civil rights battles of the future must be by a united, multi-race force against the caste system that discriminates against us, divides us, abuses our rights, and herds us around like ignorant sheep.
Just as our country's forefathers (mainly of lower caste) left Europe to start a new caste-free country … we MUST take back control of OUR country, get rid of all these bought politicization and make it caste-free again as it was intended!
