To: James Hightower, Vice principal at Rodriguez High School, Marie Williams, Principal at Rodriguez High School, John Pizzo, Vice principal at Rodriguez High School, and Ann Marie Neubert, Vice principal at Rodriguez High school

The Big Gesture for Ms. Landels

Did Linda Landels help you find your voice? Well, now it's time to use it to speak on her behalf. Sign this petition to demonstrate that we will not allow any insults from the Rodriguez administration to her artistic method of teaching literature.

Why is this important?

English teacher Linda Landels was recently given a "below expectations" review by Mr. Pizzo, the VP at Rodriguez High School due to “lack of rigor” and has been strongly encouraged to sit in other classrooms to “see what rigor looks like”. The goal of this petition is to demand that VP Pizzo and the rest of the Rodriguez High School administration retract this evaluation. Linda has inspired and challenged the best students of Rodriguez High School’s short past – sometimes singlehandedly helping students to be accepted to the country’s most prestigious institutions. Linda has not only inspired future writers and journalists, but scientists, doctors, engineers, sociologists, and more. She transcends the role of teacher for her students, she is mentor, guidance counselor, friend, and coach. Rigor cannot be measured in bureaucratic systems of evaluation nor cannot it be achieved arbitrary guidelines created by those who do not exist in the classroom. We ask you, as both friends and pupils, to write to Rodriguez High School administration and explain how Linda has challenged you, supported you, and helped you achieve your goals in life. This is not simply a letter for our esteemed friend and guide, but a message to those who continually diminish the invaluable role of the teacher in favor of test scores and guidelines. Remember, as Linda has taught us all, act with your heart and with your mind and “you will end up where you need to be.”
