To: Governor Doug Ducey

The Birther Movement

Please tell these elected officials to spend more time doing the job they were elected to do and less time trying to drum up a problem that is simply not there and using our tax dollars to do it

Definational Excerpts from the Constitution.
Could a person born abroad to parents who are U.S. citizens eligible to be President?
Yes. A child born of U.S. citizens anywhere in the world is considered a natural born U.S. citizen and is eligible.

What exactly does "natural-born" mean?
Persons born citizens of the United States are considered natural-born. Therefore, a child born of illegal immigrants or born on U.S. soil yet lived his or her life out of the nation could still be President. A naturalized citizen could not.

Why is this important?

Some elected officials in the State of Arizona (or other individuals for that matter) have not read the constitution when it comes to 'who' is eligible to become president. Now the Secretary of State, Ken Bennett, wants to keep President Obama's name off the state ballott.
