To: Governor Andrew Cuomo

The Brada Act (named after Karla Brada)

All Alcoholics Anonymous meetings must provide safety for anybody who is gender or mentally vulnerable against the dangerously mentally ill and sexual predators. That includes protection for those with Asperger's syndrome as well.

Why is this important?

Karla Brada was 26 years old. She met a man who she did not know was a violent offender. After moving in with him he killed her. Many members of AA have Asperger's syndrome. They get preyed on as well. I have Asperger's syndrome and I and others like me have been preyed upon and threatened and used by others in AA. I have watched girls get sexually harassed by people in AA. And I have seen teenagers get molested. After the death of Karla Brada, many of us have had enough. We are tired we are angry and we want some rules and boundaries.