To: President Donald Trump, The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, Governor Jared Polis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

The Chattanooga initiative

The monumental move by the Tennessee city is shaking up corporate giants like Comcast by creating and offering their own high-speed fiber-based Internet connection. This is a petition to build similar systems in other metropolitan areas to destroy the ISP monopoly.

Why is this important?

Comcast is one of the few companies that is essentially allowed to have a regional monopoly. They continue spiking their price for Internet while throttling speeds and charging ridiculous amounts for cable television services, providing absolutely horrific and downright insulting customer service.

The only reason they do this is because they CAN! There is no competition. There is no "good guy." Google can only do so much with Fiber. Let's stand up and have our voices heard. We as a populace do not need to put up with this. Let's push back. Let's show them that a corporation can't push us around.

Let's leverage our local governments and make a push to make this happen. It started in Chattanooga; let's continue it in the Denver/Boulder metropolitan areas and continue growing the movement!
