To: President Donald Trump
The Crime of Obstruction
We respectfully request that the Attorney General thoroughly investigate the people, organizations and means by which Members of Congress were encouraged to obstruct the law of the land and violate their Constitutional Oath of Office.
If existing law regarding bribery, intimidation and conspiracy are not sufficient to indict those primarily responsible for this crime of obstruction, we demand that the Platform of the Democratic party include a pledge to enact a law with appropriate penalties criminalizing Obstruction of the Laws of the United States at the earliest possible date.
If existing law regarding bribery, intimidation and conspiracy are not sufficient to indict those primarily responsible for this crime of obstruction, we demand that the Platform of the Democratic party include a pledge to enact a law with appropriate penalties criminalizing Obstruction of the Laws of the United States at the earliest possible date.
Why is this important?
I believe that the October shutdown of our government was a criminal act that should be imvesigated and prosecuted. No minority can be allowed to obstruct our democratically created laws.