To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
The End of Campaign Contributions Influence on Government
We, the undersigned hereby support the campaign to eradicate the influence that campaign contributors have on the federal government and the persons that are elected to these positions. This petition seeks to limit the amount of private and public contributions to $50,000.00. We also support the drafting of a law that would prohibit any individual or organization or private company or public company that gives in excess of $1000.00 to a political campaign or candidate be barred from any association with legislation that is drafted after that contribution in given for the rest of their life and or the company's life. We also support the drafting of a law that would prohibit any individual or organization or private company or public company that gives in excess of $1000.00 to a political campaign or candidate be barred from any government appointment or employment for the rest of their life and or the company's life.
Why is this important?
This petition would educate people to the wholesale buying of democracy by monied interests. It would seek to limit the amount of influence that large contributions to political campaigns would have.