Remove ALL sexually explicit pictures & videos of young people IMMEDIATELY!!
Remove ALL violent pictures & videos of young people (including fights) IMMEDIATELY!!
Why is this important?
A friend of mine has an 8 year old cousin who, while riding a NYC bus (with her mother) was video- taped by a complete stranger. The stranger (a teenager) posted the video of the child on Facebook with sexual content. All this was done without the knowledge or permission of the parent.
Facebook was informed and refused to remove the video as it did not violate their policy. The video was viewed over 100 times within 12 hours. The comments were both demeaning and degrading toward the minor and their family.
As adults, a standard of what acceptable behavior MUST be risen especially if we expect our youth & young adults to rise to such a standard. We MUST share openly to both youth & young adults what we believe is socially acceptable. We MUST also accept responsibility for our part in looking the other way. Each time we look away, someone else's child is being exploited, abused, bullied, threatened, and miseducated.