To: Free the weed Kentucky, President

Cannabis Compassion Act 2014 also known as SB43

This petition is being used to educate the citizens of kentucky on how to get a bill enacted into law .please sign and share so we know how many people across kentucky support this bill ..

Why is this important?

Please Help the sick and disabled citizens of Kentucky get Medical Marijuana legalized ! This is a compassionate issue no human should have to suffer when there is a natural plant called cannabis that could help them! If you support medical marijuana and would like to help The Cannabis Compassion Act of 2014, also known as SB43, get voted into law there are several ways to help. You can call the Kentucky Legislative Message Line at 1-800-372-7181 and tell your district Senator and/or Representatives to vote yes on this bill. You can also send him/her emails, or better yet write them compassionate letters sending them through traditional mail. Finally, you can make an appointment to discuss, in person, how medical marijuana helps you! For more information go to

Once you have read this please sign the petition and share. The more citizens that help us lobby the Kentucky Legislature, the better chances we have of getting this bill enacted into law.