To: Governor Jay Inslee

The Homeless Should be Allowed to Brush Their Teeth

In Burien, Wa., authorities have made a ruling that homeless people cannot brush their teeth in a public bathroom. Discriminating against homeless individuals or anyone for that matter is wrong.

Why is this important?

This petition is about discrimination. After a meal, some people will use the public bathroom to brush their teeth, especially if they have braces. This is allowed. But, in Burien, Wa., an ordinance was created implying that the homeless are not allowed to brush their teeth in a public bathroom.
Oral Hygiene is very important to our health, by taking care of our teeth we all prevent many problems, including some that lead to death. Emergency hospital visits have risen 40% in regards to dental problems. By not allowing homeless people to brush their teeth, many could end up in the emergency room and some will inevitably die from oral diseases. It is inhumane to allow some patrons to brush their teeth in a public bathroom and not other patrons. This is blatant discrimination against people who happen to be homeless.
