To: The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor J.B. Pritzker

The IL Domestic Violence Act

The following section of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act needs to exclude the word "omission" so that law enforcement is forced to follow the Act and take necessary action in any domestic violence situation. Police should be held liable for failing to provide any assistance and/or protection to the victims of domestic violence, which could and most often does, lead to further abuse.

Limited law enforcement liability
(750 ILCS 60/305)
Any act of omission or commission by any law enforcement officer acting in good faith in rendering emergency assistance or otherwise enforcing this Act shall not impose civil liability upon the law enforcement officer or his or her supervisor or employer, unless the act is a result of willful or wanton misconduct.

Why is this important?

After I was the victim of domestic violence, my abuser was not prosecuted because my local law enforcement chose not to follow the Illinois Domestic Violence Act guidelines and refused to take any actions preventing further abuse. The police decided to ignore my case, which did lead to further abuse, and there is nothing I can do because they have the right not to act.

It is unacceptable to allow abusers get away with violence because the police can hide behind immunity.

That's why I created a petition on to the Illinois Legislature and Governor Pat Quinn, to fix the loophole that allows police to choose to not fully follow the Illinois Domestic Violence Act.
