To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
The Jason and Philip Act
Harsher punishment and a much more thourough in-depth background check including medical history, such as psychiatric and driving record for semi-truck ( tractor - trailers) drivers. And cameras installed in every drivers truck cabs. Plus no cells allowed while on the job. I had an incident involving a semi- truck driver who was on his cell while driving and he was weaving in and out of his lane on I-5, so my husband and I followed him to the weigh station and told the officer. The driver denied it at first, then finally admitted to talking on his cell. Then officer took our names and statement.
Why is this important?
In 2003 on December 27th my brother Jason "JJ" Jaco and uncle Philip "Butch" Mocalis, Jr. were killed instantly by a female truck driver who suffured with schizophrenia and had not been taking her medicine Haldol, she had a hallucination stating cars cut her off which bystanders and witnesses stated that there were no other vehicles around. The driver was only charged with two counts of manslaughter (A slap on the wrist) and had her license taken away for any driving jobs in California, so she moved to Nevada and got a driving job for a school bus full of kids. When someone gets their driving privileges taken away for any driving jobs it should be nation wide not just the state it happened in. This is not right too many people are losing their loved ones to truck drivers and not getting compensated for their loss. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, NO MORE!!!