To: President Donald Trump, Rocky Adkins (KY-99), The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, Governor Matt Bevin, Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY-1), The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

The Legalization of all Cannabis Products

Like with the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Age its the materials themselves that decide the evolution of our civilizations. The Legalization of all Cannabis Products is required for our industrial, medical, and spiritual evolution.

Why is this important?

What allows every great civilization the ability to thrive and prosper? The answer is finding a material that allows its user to evolve. This was true in the Stone Age, it was true in the Bronze Age, and it is was true in the Iron Age. The question remains has our evolution reached its ultimate potential? I would like to think that we have the ability to advance, however with the current laws and the Medias use of misinformation, we have proven that indeed, as a culture, that our ultimate potential may be forfeit.
In 1937 the Bureau of Narcotics Commissioner Harry J Anslinger brought about accusations that Hemp needed to be banned because of its violent “effect on the degenerate races”. Yet in truth all the hemp in the world couldn’t get you high. So as a result, not only was Hemp banned, but Marijuana as well. Even though the AMA (American Medical Association) protested this ban, the current ban still exists for most states.
So the question remains, why was hemp and marijuana banned? Is it because one acre of hemp can replace four acres of trees? Is it because NASA researchers have a fuel created from hemp that will eliminate between 50-70% of our oil consumption? Yes, these things are true. And let me remind you, hemp/marijuana more commonly referred to as cannabis, has the ability to be used in tens of thousands of applications. It is an alternative replacement for steel, it’s a replacement for wood, it’s a replacement for cotton, and the list goes on. Are you starting to get a sense of why it was banned, why Nixon brought about “The War on Drugs” to ensure that these corporations stayed in power?
I know what your thinking, damn hippies! So let me tell you a story about a little girl by the name of Charlotte Figi. Charlotte suffers from a rare disease known as Dravet Syndrome also known as myoclonic epilepsy. This disease at one point in time caused Charlotte to have as many as 300 grand mal seizures a week. Desperate for a solution her father Matt did some research and found a boy with similar symptoms. He found that this young boy was given medical marijuana. Upon this discovery he turned to the Stanley Brothers in Colorado. The brothers were in the process of crossbreeding a strain of marijuana that was low in THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana, and high in CBD, also known as Cannabidoil, which is used to relieve convulsion, inflammation, anxiety, nausea, and inhibits the growth of cancer cell. Charlotte’s seizures went from 300 a week to 2-3 a month. Now are you really going to sit and pathetically attempt to defend the ban on Cannabis when this material has more potential to help our civilization than any other?
Let’s look at this from another perspective, the economy. Where are the majority of our products made? It’s probably somewhere in Asia. Now I ask you, “What is the main reason prices have risen”? Does anyone really know? They say it’s because the materials needed to manufacture these products have increased in price. Did the Earth raise its prices? Doubtful, yet the shelf prices increase, and even though lowering the self price would increase sales, thus requiring more products to be made and enhancing the job market, the prices keep soaring. So how does Cannabis help? Hemp is very easy to grow, not to mention it reconstitutes the soil where it is grown, thus helping the soil recover from our conventional crops and pesticides.
So let’s look at it this way, the average individual can grow an acre or less, with very little maintenance. From a manufacturing standpoint many new small businesses have the ability to rise up and create solutions for its use, even if the Copyright Office does get paid off to suppress their patents. Whether that be bricks, resins, or even beverages. But the best part is that these local businesses won’t need to order from large corporations or overseas, they’ll but need to go to the local Co-Op and purchase the hemp they need or just grow their own, as it can be grown most everywhere, and isn’t community what we are trying to get back to? But what this really does is put our countries financial edge back in the hands of the small business. What it really does it tell the rest of the worlds manufactures that sub-par materials will no longer be accepted!
So with that I leave you to think about this, the Department of Justice has declined to take actions against Colorado and Washington State. There are approximately 15 states that have already put medical marijuana to use. It is proven that the initial law to get marijuana banned was done so though the guise of racism. The government used its judicial powers to help promote the financial growth of private corporations by banning cannabis, which in itself is a blatant insult to the freedom of choice that American’s consider an inalienable right. This being a relative fact since it contradicts our ability to hold sway on our own evolution as well as the cleanliness of our environment. And lastly, we know marijuana has opened the door to understanding the brain in not only humans but animals as well. This is done through the discovery of the endogenous cannabinoids; anandamide and 2-AG. It is these two chemicals that help the brain regulate and tune its own synaptic inputs.
So what I want this petition to accomplish is to get each individual state, just as I want Kentucky to do with this one, and that is to fight for the legalization of all Cannabis products. I want the people of Kentucky to hold a public vote, not a private or sealed ballot vote, but a public vote where the People, the population itself, can be recognized. For this is the only way that the tally will not suffer the manipulation of corporations or be refuted by those who are in fact fascist and philosophically debilitating, which in my opinion is the only true way to ensure that the government doesn’t cheat its people. And indeed I encourage all other states to follow suit and tell Britain and the rest of the...