To: President Donald Trump, The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, Governor Doug Ducey, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

The Local Voter Only Act

Why should an out of area group of any kind unduly influence who your elected official should be? This petition calls on our lawmakers to restrict campaign financing to those individuals who live in that district, at all levels of government. Free speech is not affected, we are not trying to shut people up. We are just trying to hold our elected representatives accountable to the people they hope to represent. That cannot be done under the current method. Get rid of union money, association money, pac money, party money, committee money, foundation money, company money, out of district money. Exxon should not be able to influence who my county commissioner is. The ex governor of Alaska should not influence who my city councilman should be. Banks should not influence who my state attorney general should be. Georgia senators should not influence who congressman should be.

Why is this important?

limiting all campaign financing and advertisements to those individual people who are constituents of that district, at all levels of government. Money has corrupted the system. It's time to remove that corruptive influence from our election process. The Local Voter Only Act may be the first step to holding our officials accountable to their constituents. It may also be the very test case used to reverse the Citizen's United ruling. We've tried everything else, time to try something different. Fight the power of money in politics, vote for the Local Voter Only Act, and take back our government!