To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

"The People With No Names"

See first writing. In total summation, the graves that are numbered should be given their names back.... a plack labelling each number related to the person, the unmarked graves need to have at least burial services. How would you feel being either an unmarked grave, or just a number?! Sincerely Rachael Mottola

Why is this important?

"The People With No Names" I don't know how many people know about the "sanatoriums" , for those of you that have no clue about what I am talking about..... one or more of your family members could possibly be a part of this. Have you a blank leaf on your "family tree" ? Well pick a number, because your guess is as good as mine. From the 1800's your family member could have been sent to a "sanatorium" , these places were not only for the mentally ill but also took on other

functions. If you were crippled, suspected to have Tuburciolosis, or if you were just poor, no place to live, an immigrant from another country, hence the term "Poor House", all ended up becoming Guinea Pigs. Anyway our ancestors have not only een wronged in so many ways, but are still lost souls. Some of the places put only numbers on the graves, most are unmarked. How can we truly know to whom and where we belong in this thing we call life?!
