To: President Donald Trump, The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

"The Peoples Mandate for the Full Implementation of President Barack Obama's Policies and Program...

I am seriously concerned about our Congressional Leaders as a whole, specifically Boehner and McConnell and State Leaders. Calling for the Senate as well as all of Congress and local Government to implement the "Peoples Mandate" for "President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden to Lead this Country with the policies and programs he has laid out for our Country" to carry out "The Will of The People". Americans sent a clear and resounding message to implement the policies and programs of our Commander and Chief, President Barack Obama, in their entirety; to include the "Full Implementation of the Following: The expiration of the "Bush Tax Cuts"; Taxing the Wealthy; Health Care Reform; Medicare/Medicaid Reform and Immigration Reform. And end the self-serving policies and politics, scar tactics, manipulations, government waste, abuse of oath of office and power.

Why is this important?

My husband is a General Contractor and can't find any steady work. I haven't had a raise on my job in eight years and the cost of living continues to rise. We're frustrated and struggling to make ends meet due to the economy. We were living the "American Dream"--We built our home with our bare hands along with our children and had saved for years to be able to bring it to fruition. We work very hard and are part of the "47%" that Republicans believe want a handout or deem lazy; yet they are content to continue to build the country on our backs to add insult to injury. How insulting!

Belinda Carr
