To: The New Jersey State Senate

The Prevention Against Foreclosure Fraud & Stabilization act .

This bill is design to eliminate white collar crime affecting foreclosures against homeowners by the big banks and their sub-servicing companies
in the State of New Jersey and around the
Country . And to stabilize neighborhoods
from being destroyed by the big banks
and their sub-servicing companies of
mortgages .

Why is this important?

If you have been a victim or know anyone who has been a victim of
a foreclosure fraud by anyone of the big banks or anyone of their
sub-servicing companies . It's time for everyone to ban together
to put a END to this type of fraudulent behavior ASAP in the
State of New Jersey and around the Country .

If you are being mistreated by your mortgage servicer
you can file a complaint against them online with the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau @
Or call : (202) 435-7700 & 1-(855)-411-2372
They really want to hear from you .