To: The United States Senate
The Rich Want It All
The uber wealthy are the ones responsible, as always, for the depression we the people are suffering through. But it is always we the people who are asked to bail out the perpetrators. Enough, goddamnit! Keep your filthy hands off medicaid, medicare and social security. None of these are entitlements--taxpayers paid for them with their hard won labors--while the uber wealthy were profiting off illegal wars, untaxed off shore accounts and capital gains at 15%. It is time to make the guilty rich take the fall.
Why is this important?
The uber wealthy are the ones responsible, as always, for the depression we the people are suffering through. But it is always we the people who are asked to bail out the perpetrators. Enough, goddamnit! Keep your filthy hands off medicaid, medicare and social security. None of these are entitlements--taxpayers paid for them with their hard won labors--while the uber wealthy were profiting off illegal wars, untaxed off shore accounts and capital gains at 15%. It is time to make the guilty rich take the fall.