To: Ram Raju, President of the NYC Health & Hospitals Corporation and Bill deBlasio, Mayor of the City of New York

The Right Of HHC Police Officers To Carry Firearms

New York City Health & Hospitals Corporation are NYS certified Peace.Officers under section 2.10 of the Criminal Procedure Law. HHC Police Officers are simply denied the right to carry firearms because the members of the department are 99% African- American and Hispanic American. 1% of the department is Caucasian and Asian Americans.

Why is this important?

There has been a execution style murder of two NYPD Officers in Brooklyn, N.Y. At this time HHC Police Officers have no means to properly protect themselves and people in HHC facilities. Police Officers should have the right to carry firearms regardless of their race. At this time the Health & Hospitals Corporation, by denying their Police Officers the right to carry firearms is in violation of title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
