To: Governor Laura Kelly
The State You Used To Know...
This plan has been said to "create a class of elite". Instead of of coming to an agreement, the plan is moving forward with an "agree to disagree" attitude and without the support of both parties. Do not let Brownback Chang our great state! Single earning 15K - 30K are paying 6.25%, this plan INCREASES that to 6.45%. Income tax on "eligible" businesses will be ELIMINATED by 2017. If companies don't pay their taxes who is going to? The working class. We work hard to keep our money, don't pay business taxes. Make them pay their own!
Why is this important?
This tax cut will destroy Kansas! Brownback is offering tax cuts to the wealthy only, leaving hard working Kansans to foot the bill! Sign this petition if you want Brownback to veto this tax cut. This is not the answer Kansas wants!