Provide tax incentives to employers whose employees have the
ability to work from home to do so. This will boost the economy by permitting workers to invest in their local economy instead of pouring money into their gas tanks and funneling it to the oil barons. It will also lessen the stress on roads and bridges that are rapidly deteriorating, help families overcome their budget difficulties with high gas prices and contribute to a greener economy. Companies currently have no incentive to support such a policy. For those workers that have the ability to work from home, this could be a HUGE boom to the local economies and their family budgets, not to mention one of the "greenest" things that can be implemented for our environment.
Why is this important?
Through employer tax incentives, provide the option for applicable businesses to allow those employees who have the ability to work from their home to do so to channel the money from the gas tank which benefits the oil companies to local economies and to contribute to a greener and healthier environment.