To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

The Trayvon Mandate

Boycott Florida, products entertainment and industry until that state strikes down the Stand Your Ground Laws and its legislature and courts vacate all decisions made under it. If you are a true American and feel that this law has resulted in unfair acquittal or incarceration, please take a moment to sign this online petition to the Governor of Florida an Florida Lawmakers. Again this is a two fold effort requiring a boycott, and a change of law by The State of Florida.

Why is this important?

Years ago in a town in the South Negroes decided to ban together and bring financial impact upon certain business to right certain wrongs. Pressure is one means we have to bring light to a problem. They boycotted restaurants, department stores and busses. We can have an impact on the economy of the state of Florida. Might seem small but lets agree as a community to cease buying any and all Orange juices, Oranges, Grapefruit and citrus. Lets not go to Disney or to Universal Studios. Lets take action that will have impact. Talking on FB and social media has some impact. The loss of dollars may however cause people to pay attention to us as a people. Let us begin today July 14 to rally around Travon and start the dialogue necessary to make significant and lasting change on the American landscape. The jury decided the outcome on George Zimmerman based on Florida Law. The law has been shown to be applied in an unequal manner a few times in the past year. The outcome was magnified in the death of Trayvon Martin. People of every hue have marched across the country in outrage at the verdict.. Sign , send , forward , circulate. The petition is two fold, it calls for a boycott and a change in state laws.
We have to stop talking and start acting in a manner that the country as a whole will recognize and understand. Thank you George Lewis a concerned black father, Upper Darby, Pa