To: President Donald Trump, The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, Governor Kate Brown, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

The U.S. K-12 Public School Funding Restoration Act

We must provide emergency federal funding to our nations K-12 public school systems, while our economy and tax base recover. Failure to do so will allow our nations K-12 public school systems to suffer a degree of loss to critical programs and staff that if left unaddressed could take decades to correct/restore/rebuild..

Why is this important?

Our K-12 public school system continues to be negatively impacted by funding shortfalls. This has led to unacceptable loss of programs/staff that are critical to the educational needs of our children.Those programs and staff that remain are unable to be as succesful in their efforts due to increased class size, resource unavailability, variety etc..This must end. We must place our K-12 public school systems, at the very least, on the same funding priority, as we do our other critical national infrastructure needs.