To: The Oregon State House and The Oregon State Senate
The Value of Suction dredging should be supported
Stop Nonscientist attack on Suction Dredging. Use true and proven science that shows an environmentally friendly form of mineral extraction. The EPA even says that Suction dredging has little effect on environment. Suction dredgers put over 10 million dollars a year into Oregon’s economy. So stop the lies that suction dredgers pay little for this access the average cost per dredger per year is over $10,000.
Why is this important?
Suction Dredging is an enviromently friendly form of mineral extraction and contributes to the benefit of Oregon economy. California has a Temporary ban on dredging and as such has lost 100's of small businesses and put many families in financal ruin. The lies put forth about dredging are just that, Science has proven over and over that Suction dredging causes little harm. Science also states facts that relate possible benefits to fish including Salmon.
Oregon Tax payers pay nothing for cleanup after lawfull Suction Dredging operations, since there is no cleanup.
Oregon Tax payers pay nothing for cleanup after lawfull Suction Dredging operations, since there is no cleanup.