To: Governor Tony Evers

The Voters of Wisconsin want Equal Marriage Rights!

Governor Scott Walker said there is "no significant movement" for equal marriage rights in Wisconsin. I'm adding my voice to let Gov. Walker know that freedom and equality are integral part of the movement forward of this country and that it begins with his dedicated efforts to protect the rights of all of the taxpayers of Wisconsin.

Why is this important?

The Declaration of Independence states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights." It is every taxpaying citizen's right to be recognized by the government as equal. Anything else is discrimination, and creates a lesser class of citizenship. Therefore, the fight for marriage equality in Wisconsin is such a given, as currently our gay citizens are clearly being discriminated against.

With all of this knowledge, it is shocking to me that our Governor recently stated that there is "no significant movement" to obtain equal marriage rights in Wisconsin. It's time to show Gov. Walker that he is wrong, Wisconsians DO support marriage equality and our movement is growing! Please join me in telling Scott Walker and Wisconsin, that we are all equal, and deserve equal rights and protections from the government!
