To: Rep. Joseph Morelle (NY-25)

The Voting Rights Act Can Be Restored!

Now that The Republican arm of the U.S. Supreme Court have made it's white supremacist attack on The Voting Rights Act Of 1965 by making it unconstitutional last year, we have a fighting chance to have it greatly restored, and one of the important factors to have this sweeping landmark ruling signed is to sign your petition on Move's official website and call on others to demand a speedy restoration of The Voting Rights Act Of 1965.

This is the message that will be delivered to your decision-makers right up on Capitol Hill and across America to make your case heard to have your fight to restore The Voting Rights Act Of 1965 as quick as possible. The U.S. Supreme Court's disastrous decision to gut The Voting Rights Act will have vicious consequences for both the United States and it's standing in the world, which will result into a large number of our civil rights and basic human rights being eliminated, so that's why I call on you to please take part in the fight to improve The Voting Rights Act Of 1965 before things go from bad to worst.

Why is this important?

The Voting Rights Act Of 1965 is one of the most important pieces of The Civil Rights legislations that Congress has ever passed and it's one of the most celebrated achievements our democracy has ever made. Last year, the Republican arm of The U.S. Supreme Court have made a devastating mistake to gut this historic landmark decision, a disastrous ruling which could have terrible consequences to the United States and to America's standing in the world that will result into a number of eliminations for our basic civil rights. Congress can restore those important protections by passing this important bill. Rep. Smith should support this effort by co-sponsoring and fighting for a strong bill that will call for the absolute restoration of The Voting Rights Act Of 1965.
