To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

The wealthy who want equality in tax rates and no preferential treatment

Do you know someone who makes over $500,000? If so, please pass this petition along....

I make more than $500,000/year and support equality in tax rates. I do NOT want preferential treatment because I am wealthy. Income is income.

Why is this important?

From Sandy, the originator of this petition. I am not in this income bracket, but I am really curious. I would like to know how many people who make over $500,000/year want equality in tax rates and NOT preferential treatment because they are wealthy and can afford to hire accountants and tax attorneys to find ways to pay less taxes. Income is income. AND, truly how many acknowledge they were not able to do it alone--that they benefited from public investments in infrastructure, research, public education, health care, etc?

Please pass along this petition and let's see what happens. THANKS!
