To: #YearOfResistance on Twitter

The Year of Resistance Pledge

I promise to myself and my fellow citizens to commit one act of "resistance" per day for the next year. This "resistance" will be entirely peaceful and could consist of calling my representatives, writing a letter to the editor, attending a town hall meeting, participating in a march or demonstration, or resisting the hateful, destructive Trump agenda in any nonviolent way I see fit. Track your progress and get ideas for resisting by using #YearOfResistance on Twitter.

Why is this important?

To overwhelm and overcome the dangerous forces that are trying to undermine and even destroy truth, freedom, and democracy, it will take a heightened level of commitment from all of us. If we share our stories with one another and motivate each other daily, we will inspire and empower one another to continue with this necessary fight. The momentum of the resistance must not end. Through this pledge, we can ensure that it only grows stronger and more resilient. Our passion and our teamwork are our best assets.
