To: President Donald Trump


WE, THE PEOPLE OF EARTH, Declare World Peace and abundance for all. This is the meaning of PEACE UP! We are not waiting on or for anyone else. We are not asking permission. This is not a proposal nor a petition. This is THE DECLARATION OF PEACE.

THE DREAM OF DREAMS, for thousands of years throughout the history of humanity, is the culmination of the era of Peace on Earth. GENII, the name of this era of peace and abundance and the name of all of THE UNITED PEOPLE OF EARTH, has arrived revealing its inevitable occurrence in THE HERE AND NOW by THE NATURAL PROCESS of our natural evolution providing peace and mutual abundance for all HUMANBEINGS. Self-evidently, THE HERE AND NOW is the only time and the only space for this to occur. In celebration of Genii and our mutual declaration of PEACE AND ABUNDANCE FOR ALL, “PEACE UP!” is Genii’s greeting and farewell expression declaring our singular culture on planet earth in THE HERE AND NOW. This document, THE DECLARATION OF PEACE, establishes the foundations for The Declaration Of Peace in our world. Our mutual declaration is our tangible, practical, measurable form that defines THE HIGHEST VALUE of our mutual, personal, and business opportunities as we all unite for mutual benefit enabling us all to LIVE OUR DREAMS in THE DREAM OF DREAMS. As we all sign this document and tell others we LIVE THE DREAM and establish the foundations of peace and our equal co-ownership of THE iiNTERNET and its sustained ability to providing abundance for us all. We all get busy with CO-CREATING PEACE UP’s CRITICAL MASS by telling everyone we know immediately and take it all to the next level, equally SHARE THE WEALTH, experience THE END OF POVERTY and conflict, and all LIVE OUR DREAMS in THE DREAM OF DREAMS. WE CREATE THE CHOICE by cocreating THE NEW CONDITION via the initiating of THE GENII SYSTEM, or GENIISYS, through our signing of these shared documents and celebrating the birth of THE NEW ERA by participating in the largest, global, annual, media event of all time, the PEACE UP celebration event. The PEACE UP event is a synchronized global event of a minute of silence followed by a minute of celebration on every form of communication hosted by PC.TV, People Creating Television, the network of networks in the free digital universe, that is of, for, and co-owned by all HUMAN BEINGS, no exclusions. We all initiate Genii by cocreating the largest, ultimate and permanent audience on the one system that we all co-own rendering into being THE HIGHEST VALUE, sustainable business proposition in the world enabling us all to monetize eachother and equally SHARE THE WEALTH for the rest of our lives for ourselves and for the many generations to come. The choice that stands before us now is to act swiftly to secure our rights and freedoms in the ever expanding digital universe by generating our co-ownership of it rendering THE BEST CASE SCENARIO into being by sheer choice. WE CREATE THE CHOICE for a new and better system that serves us all much better. It is up to us, all humanity, to manage our world in the self-evident best of ways that technolgy and NEW AWARENESS now has enabled. You signing these documents are the starting point of this NEW ERA. Realize that it is simply ideas and agreements and related actions and systems that generate our social condition in this world. The time has come to actualize our ultimate opportunity in THE HERE AND NOW, self-evidently the only time and the only space for this to occur. PEACE UP! Welcome to Genii! (See Genii's many definitions)


The natural conditions that generate peace in our world are here. NEW AWARENESS is now COMMON KNOWLEDGE generating NEW CONSCIOUSNESS birthing THE NEW ERA of GENII. This is what it means to "see with NEW EYES". In humanity part 1, our belief and identity with separateness naturally drives our survival instincts creating fear motivating fight and flight responses, ego identity, greed, and scarcity naturally creating war and poverty by virtue of our limited awareness. Much like our transition from the convincing, natural appearance from THE FLAT WORLD view to the more relevant UNDERSTANDING of the round world view, we free ourselves from the natural illusions of limited awareness and mere convincing appearances. Despite our preoccupying belief of flatness, the round world was always there. Despite our preoccupations with SEPARATENESS, ONENESS was always there. In THE FLAT WORLD view, the horizon was the convincing appearance of the edge of our world. In like manner, our skin seems to be the edge of who we are. This too was never the case. We are one with the entire universe and were never separate. The convincing appearance and belief in separateness falls away along with its natural biproduct of conflict and scarcity, and is replaced by the more relevant, sustained viewpoint of UNiiTY generating harmony and abundance creating the natural by-product of peace in our world and in our experience. We realize an...

Why is this important?

All humanbeings sign a new agreement to ShareTheWealth.TV and usher in on a new singular, anit-big brother, global system that embodies total equality for all humanity initiating the new era, Genii, of peace and abundance for all.