To: President Donald Trump

There are no "Alternative Facts"

On Sunday, January 22, 2017, Kellyanne Conway, a senior White House aide, suggested that the White House will now govern according to "alternative facts." The White House must not be allowed to pawn off lies as "alternative facts" and our representatives, the press and we, as citizens, must hold them accountable when they do.

Why is this important?

During the campaign President Trump brilliantly used the press and social media to create an alternative reality in which facts are fungible. Whether or not we supported his candidacy we must not allow this to continue as his administration governs. Suggesting that there are "alternative facts" is nothing more than code for lies. The press must hold President Trump and his advisors and staff to the highest ethical and moral standards and must relentlessly push back against deceit and untruths. Our representatives must do the same and have the courage to speak truth to power.