To: President Donald Trump, The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, Governor Charlie Baker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
There are non-profits and then there are non-profits.
Tax business "non-profits". Non-profits were originally granted special favor by the Government in order to, approximately 100 years ago, encourage the arts and education and provide public service. Many non-profits today make a great deal of profits and pay their executives great salaries and benefits. They have become big business. Non-profits were originally also granted favor as they were providing a public benefit when few public benefits existed. Many non-profits today serve primarily the wealthy and those that can afford their services. Think of the arts and theatre and private schools that benefit primarily those that can afford their services. They are not benefiting the poor and they are not benefiting the public as a whole. Entities that do not provide substantial benefit to the poor should not receive special tax breaks. For example, a private prep school making millions is obligated to pay no local taxes, while the little old lady down the street on social security may pay $5000. per year. In addition, those contributing to these entities receive tax deductions for their contributions, so they contribute to entities benefiting the wealthy instead of entities that truly benefit the public. In my community, we have a private prep school just down the street from the public school. The wealth is obscene and their contribution to their community most minimal. The disparity is striking and is evidence of what is wrong in our country. Similarly, many theatre and arts performances in the area are run by non-profits and are a service primarily for the wealthy or those that can afford their services.
Stop providing tax deductions and tax exemptions to non-profits that do not provide substantial service to the poor. If people pay for the services provided, it is not a non-profit.
Stop providing tax deductions and tax exemptions to non-profits that do not provide substantial service to the poor. If people pay for the services provided, it is not a non-profit.
Why is this important?
I believe we need to tax certain "non-profits" -those that benefit the wealthy and those that provide services to those that can afford the service. Tax exemptions and deductions should be reserved only for non-profits that serve the poor.