To: Editor New York Times, National Editor Washington Post, Aminda Marquest Managing Editor Miami Herald, Editor, Chicago Tribune, Editor - Boston Globe, Editor - LA Times, Editor - San Francisco Chronicle, CBS Evening news, NBC Nightly news...

This is News: Give our fallen servicemen and women the respect they are due

Dear Editor/News Director: Everyday young men and women in our armed services die yet you do not report these losses as they happen.
We are at war and over 6200 young people have given their lives. They deserve a moment in your broadcast or a dedicated space in your publication to be named and honored.
We are at war, what bigger news topic is there? Your audiences need to be informed of these casualties so they can individually and collectively honor their fallen fellow citizens. The reality of war should be on the forefront of the news. Yet you have been remiss in bringing this reality to your readers/viewers and doing your part to honor the people who are losing their life in service to our country.
Whether one agrees with our wars or not, certainly all Americans can agree that these people deserve our national respect. As journalists, keepers of our collective journals, it is your duty to include this coverage in your reporting.
We urge you to create a moment in your broadcast or a column in your publication to show, name and honor the fallen.

Why is this important?

Our country is at war. Over 6200 young men and women have died in Iraq and Afghanistan and the numbers grow daily. Why then, does the evening news start with a story on Lindsey Lohan? Every newscast and newspaper in this country should devote a moment or space to naming and honoring these young men and women who die everyday. A photo and a sentence. They deserve it. And the people of this country need to see the reality of what is happening.
