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To: Austin Peay State University Dean

Tickets should NOT be a requirement for Austin Peay State University Graduation

Hello, I am a Senior Graduating from Austin Peay State University this Spring 2024. On behalf of the graduates and the future graduates of this institution, we feel that there shouldn't be a ticket requirement for our friends and families to attend and witness us fulfill this great accomplishment. We have worked really hard to receive these degrees and we just want everyone we love to be able to come and support us as graduates and the future graduates that will walk across the stage.

Why is this important?

We have worked really hard to receive these degrees. Why should it be limited to what family members and friends that can see us walk the stage? when they were the ones to help us get through these college years. Without our village, would we be here?



2024-01-28 19:44:57 -0500

10 signatures reached