To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Time for a New Secretary of Education
Many educators share a deep disappointment with the administration's education policy. We probably voted for President Obama because the Republican alternative was a worse choice. Now that the election is over we must use the time between the election and the inauguration to petition the President with the goal of advocating a change in the direction of federal education policy.
Arne Duncan has been the Obama administration's education policy architect and proponent. He is responsible for the extension of the Bush era policies of No Child Left Behind, and the mindless, test driven, competitive process that forces states to conform to unproven, so-called reforms promoted by the right wing that are changing the face, and tearing apart, public education. We have been held hostage as we vie for badly needed funds. Now is the time to demand his removal during the second term.
Arne Duncan has been the Obama administration's education policy architect and proponent. He is responsible for the extension of the Bush era policies of No Child Left Behind, and the mindless, test driven, competitive process that forces states to conform to unproven, so-called reforms promoted by the right wing that are changing the face, and tearing apart, public education. We have been held hostage as we vie for badly needed funds. Now is the time to demand his removal during the second term.
Why is this important?
President Obama: •RESTORE HOPE •END “Race to the Top” •END testing's tyranny •REMOVE Duncan