Several days ago, a 22-year-old black man, Darrien Hunt, was shot multiple times in the back while running from Saratoga Springs, Utah, police officers. He was carrying a fake sword, so was, essentially, unarmed. He might as well have been carrying a stick. The officers, armed with ambiguous information, guns, AND Tasers, still shot and killed him.
The details are sketchy. They have not provided answers to the family OR the community. The attorney general's office is reportedly investigating. It is TIME for change. This is a racist crime. Children of color are a huge minority in this state and in real danger. We are calling for a citizen review board and for reform in police officer hiring and training.
Why is this important?
It is time to keep our Utah children and young adults safe. Just weeks before Darrien Hunt was killed, a 20-year-old black man in Salt Lake City was shot and killed under similar circumstances. People would like to say "Not in our state. Not in OUR town." Well, yes, it is happening here. And it's time to say no more.