To: Department of State Education, Chancellor Tisch

Time for State Ed. to leave their Ivory Tower

I propose that All members of The N.Y.State Board of Regents start to go into classrooms across the state, not with an entourage announcing "State Ed. is in the building", rather as under-cover teachers. They need to be in a school for at least a week and really see how schools operate. Then they would truly experience the role of teachers today. Let them be cursed at with absolutely no recourse, but to turn the other cheek and submit to indignity. Administrators are so afraid of the wrath of parents that they don't have the backs of teachers who are simply trying to do their jobs.

Why is this important?

I believe that if State Education officials had to work directly in a classroom (teach), they would finally leave their "ivory tower" and truly experience what educators are facing on a daily basis. Rude students, un-cooperative administrators, over crowded classrooms and testing instead of teaching. Members of The N.Y.S .Board of Regents are constantly coming up with paperwork and tests in order to "look busy". Yes we teachers recognize the lazy way out, creating "busy work". Get Up! Get Out! Reach into classrooms across the state before you dump more silly paperwork and tests on teachers and their students.
