To: Governor Greg Abbott

Time Served: TEXAS EX-FELONS will no longer be punished FOREVER

"Stop digging in old sores!" Felons who successfully remain out of trouble for 10 or more years should not be punished the rest of their lives. Texas has punished its citizens of this nature long enough. Let's reform the reach of felony convictions on nonviolent drug offenses.

Why is this important?

This petition is about reform only, not to ask that records be wiped clean or hidden from view. I was convicted of a felony drug charge in 1996 when I was 19 years old and my story is like many others. I went to prison, successfully completed parole, and went on to community college to receive an AA in Business. But still at 37 years old it's hard to find work.

Companies will not hardly even give the opportunity to even speak about these convictions or give interviews because felon is in association with the applicant. I'm asking that the Felon Reentry Program that is already in place be reformed with true possibilities at gaining livable employment. I feel that it's time to reform the laws that are forcing felons into the backgrounds of life.

People make mistakes and some actually learn from them. Please consider giving a felon like myself another opportunity at being a productive citizen again.

This is a petition for a program that will take baby steps possibly but steps all the same into securing sustainable wages with companies that pay living wages. Of course there are many food service positions available but these jobs are merely for teenagers. There are many felons that have a desire to be a productive partner with respectable companies and are willing to do the necessary work to gain that opportunity, and I speak on behalf of those felons.

I ask for opportunities to be made available to us as well. I feel that now is the time to reform the stigma associated with non violent drug offenses, especially if there has been a substantial amount of time passed showing no more criminal activity.
