To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf

Time to revise DUI laws.

Pennsylvania (and other states) should revise DUI laws to permit offenders LIMITED driving privileges to work/school, mandated Counseling and Highway Safety School attendance, and medical care. People convicted of DUI are losing jobs, dropping out of school, and avoiding medical care because their licenses are suspended and they are prohibited from driving under any circumstance.

DUI penalties are very punishing, but losing a job because of transportation problems creates more hardships for offenders. Some individuals will continue driving to work on suspended licenses because they can't risk losing their jobs. If they're caught, the penalties keep stacking up until they won't see a driver's license again for many years, compounding their problems even more.

A more rehabilitative approach is to allow offenders VERY LIMITED driving privileges -- with an on-board breathalizer machine -- so they can drive to work, the store, or a doctor's appointment. DUI penalties are among the toughest punishments on the lawbooks -- almost too harsh compared to penalties for other serious crimes. It's time we ask state legislatures to reverse some of their reactionary laws and revise DUI laws allowing for some very limited driving privileges for offenders.

Why is this important?

Pennsylvania (and other states) should revise DUI laws to permit offenders LIMITED driving privileges to work/school, mandated Counseling and Highway Safety School attendance, and medical care. People convicted of DUI are losing jobs, dropping out of school, and avoiding medical care because their licenses are suspended and they are prohibited from driving under any circumstance.