To: Newspapers receiving by copies sent by email by your group or by petitionreaders

To all USA newspapers

Provide frontpage BOX reviews of gun killings to date this year, Compare USA data with Japan, Great Brittain, etc Show changes across time. Report family setting deaths versus other settings. Let pithy data reviews keep us aware of USA gun violence.

Why is this important?

Daily newspapers need to keep us informed about deaths by guns and if by accident or by intention. There was a time when data were given on the frontpages about car accidents for the year. It is time now to do similar reporting by box summaries, perhaps presenting different kinds of relevant data on different days at least once a week. There will be no need to advocate any policy. The data will advocate for saner gun policy. Individual and mass killings need data reviews. There is no need to argue how journalists should do the reviews. Many tacts can be taken to keep us aware of gun deaths in our country. The press needs to update in this area.
