To: Jefferson Sessions, U.S.Attorney and President Donald Trump
To Move Zeph Pitt From the United States Penitentary "Canaan" in Waymart, PA; to the Bureau of ...
After hearing the story of Zeph Pitt I support this petition to have Zeph Pitt #96636038, moved from U.S.P. Canaan, to the U.S. M.C. at Devens, MA. This will not only address the much needed surgical and biologic treatment that is not being provided in his current location; It would also make visits by his wife and three small children possible; and save the taxpayers the funds used to send his lawyer long distance for consultation.
Why is this important?
My son Zeph Pitt, has a number of medical issues,. When he was arrested, over 3 years ago, he had just been diagnosed with Hepatitis C, had a torn A/C joint in his shoulder; a mass in one testicle, with pain and swelling, and degenerative disc disease with osteoarthritis. He was transferred to four facilities during the two and a half years awaiting sentencing. Each move meant starting over as medical records do not follow the inmate! Now sentenced to a federal facility so remote, it is not near any adequate medical treatment. It has been over 7 months and no MRI yet. It took almost 9 months to get the MRI at the first jail in 2015. His labs show the Hepatitis is getting worse; but no treatment is being given. The muscles in his right bicep and chest muscles are atrophying, which causes great weakness on the right side. And just as an aside, it took 4 months to get approved for a tooth cleaning. and the approval letter stated it would be a 12 or 18 month wait for the dental care. The worst part of course, is he didn't even go out and commit a crime! (Not just a Mom being blinded.) He made dumb choices long ago, as a young man, paid the price, and had no intention of breaking the law... Long story, we have an appeal in the works, but meanwhile I'd like to keep him alive so he can get a chance to be the man he wants his children to know